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Stick it to The Man!

You stand in the entryway of the cramped, papers-strewn mess that was your friend’s office. Glancing over the half-empty plastic bottles scattered across the stained floor and littering the busy desk, you feel something in your chest tighten.

Oh, Paul.

This room holds so many memories of your friend. You can still picture him so vividly, hunched over his desk, slapping away at his keyboard, complaining that you’d burst in yet again… You’d give anything to get to hear him complain about you now, just one last time.

You wipe the stray tear that escapes your eye and take a moment to collect yourself. Paul, that kind, generous, extremely dorky man is gone. But that doesn’t mean you can’t live up to his legacy. That doesn’t mean you can’t use the resources he gave you to solve the riddle of the Library in his name.

And by resources, you of course mean the monitor blinking on his desk.

Jumping into Paul’s wheelie chair and scooting yourself closer to the desk (for a moment you even swear it still feels warm), you attempt to ‘log in’ to the computer. At first, you are troubled by the pop-up that demands a ‘username’ and ‘password’ (terms you are becoming familiar with), but then you find a yellow square of paper on the underside of the desk with Paul’s ‘username’ and ‘password’ handily written on it. How thoughtful of Paul - always there for you, even from beyond the grave.

Once past the security, you make your way back to ‘’ and find the Chatroom again. Hopefully, your friend will be able to give you some answers.

alwin: greetings. are you there ecklebergeye1?

It takes a few minutes for the response to come through but, sure enough, ecklebergeye1 is typing… appears soon after.

ecklebergeye1: Hey man, where u been? Find anything else about that ghost child?

alwin: i’ve been in egypt. i was in the tomb of amenken. also the ghost child might just be a regular child now.

ecklebergeye1: You got them exorcised? Nice. Make sure you ward the kid with a ring of purifying salts when they sleep, otherwise the spirit can come back.

ecklebergeye1: Hey, wait a minute, did you say Amenken’s tomb? You’ve been there?! That’s incredible! Did you see all the murals inside?!

You furrow your brow.

alwin: you’ve seen the pictures too.

ecklebergeye1: With a lot of difficulty, yeah. The Man doesn’t want us to know about them, see. They’ve tried to cover the whole tomb up so no one realises the truth about the Ancient Egyptians.

alwin: so you know about the guardians then. and the flame tablet.

ecklebergeye1: The what? No. But I know about the electricity! Don't you know?

alwin: no.

ecklebergeye1: The Ancient Egyptians had LIMITLESS electricity for all of their citizens. They got it for FREE from vibrations of the Earth. That’s why they built the pyramids! Do you really think they went through all that effort just to bury a couple of dead blokes? No! It was to channel and transmit CLEAN energy to all of Egypt! No wonder the global elite don’t want us to see the tomb. Hell, there’s literally a lightbulb drawn on the walls!

alwin: a what bulb.

ecklebergeye1: Oh man, you’re in for a real shock my guy.

Below their message, a picture appears showing a very decrepit wall engraving. However, even with the paint lost to time, you recognise it as one of the art pieces you found in Amenken’s tomb, one you’d taken to show a snake being born from a flower.

ecklebergeye1: Unlimited energy, alwin!

You shake your head in wonder. To think that you’d been directly underneath a civilisation that had mastered the energy of the Earth and hadn’t even realised just how advanced they were! Perhaps you missed something in the Tomb?

But this isn’t why you came here, as fascinating as it is.

alwin: in the tomb there were also lots of depictions of a stone tablet that was incredibly dangerous but also very important. it contained some sort of knowledge on it. have you heard of this.

ecklebergeye1 doesn’t respond for a moment. Then:

ecklebergeye1: Yeah, I think I remember reading some stuff about a tablet like that. Weird stories, all sort of disconnected. But the gist of it is that there’s a tablet that appears in many different places throughout history.

alwin: but what is it. what knowledge does it have.

ecklebergeye1: I dunno man, none of the stories really agree, but one thing they all have in common is that The Man is trying to destroy it.

alwin: but why.

ecklebergeye1: Because they want to control what knowledge you have! If they control what you know, they can control you. This is how they turn the masses into good little sheeple. Are you a sheep, alwin?

You sit back in the desk chair. The Man wants to control what knowledge you have… the Original Book wants to control what knowledge you have. All the searching you’d done for the answer to everything… has this been the reason you could never find it? Because the Original Book was deciding for you what you could and couldn’t know?

alwin: I am not a sheep.

ecklebergeye1: That’s my guy!

stick_it_to_the_man.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/01 19:07 by gm_peyton