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In Case of Fire...

A prim and proper cursive writing style reads: Please refer to the evacuation map posted in every room… oh… there are parts missing? No mind, no mind! All you must find is your own reflection. We are sure you are up to that very simple task.

As you may know, the Library does burn down, crumble or otherwise face destruction on a regular basis. It is good to be prepared. We have, of course, tried to prevent all fires but it is not as easy as one might think.

Although we don't expect any burning to happen imminently, we politely request you to be prepared and to keep all flammable substances OUT and AWAY from the Library.

In the case of a fire, any fully reflective surface native to the Library Incarnation will suffice.

Remember to only carry essentials with you through the Portal. Keep all hands and feet inside the viscous material. It may feel uncomfortable but trust us, it is much more preferable to losing a body part.

As in the event of any emergency, please protect yourself before others.

Please also make a careful note of what you take with you through the Portals. If you brought a small item from your time period that is of particularly high sentimental value to you, this keepsake may travel with you freely; your emotional attachment to it is enough of an anchor to prevent anything going too disastrously wrong once you enter the Portal.

As for what other possessions you may take from the Library with you, these are significantly more limited. Please see below for details.

We advise you chose your items carefully. Anything that you leave behind cannot be retrieved.

No need to take the Library denizens with you ; they will be with you again soon. As for the the screaming Guests, there is little to be done for them. Leave them be.

Hold your breath, count to 10, imagine your Personal Library beyond the threshold…

and fall.

Carrying Capacity

The Portals that take you between Incarnations of the Library are designed to transport humans, and although they are capable of transporting some items as well, many of them are rather old, and a little prone to misidentifications of the organic/non-organic matter divide. Therefore, to minimise the risk of injury and/or temporal splicing, you are only permitted to carry a limited number of items with you between Library Incarnations.

An average human with baseline capabilities1) is permitted to carry no more than two distinct items into the Portal on top of their clothes and what they have in their pockets. Each item can be no larger than a dining chair.

Of course, many of you are far from having baseline capabilities. See Hoarder.
incaseoffire.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/25 16:43 by gm_peyton