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Enhanced Senses

Lvl 1 A snap of a twig in the dark, signalling danger. A breath of air against your skin, guiding your movement. You possess a particularly strong sense, and it has served you well. You can choose one of your five senses to enhance, causing it to become preternaturally strong.

Lvl 2 You may enhance a second sense.

Lvl 3 Through immense practise, you now possess a heightened sense some would consider unnatural. You may choose to possess a more advanced sense that is found in nature but does not occur naturally in humans, such as a bat's echolocation, a mole's seismic sense, or a shrimp's colour perception.


Lvl 1 Everything on Earth owes its existence to chemistry, and you have only begun to scratch the surface of what that means. You can identify chemicals, distil liquids, and produce essential oils, juices, ethanol and other liquids of a similar potency.

Lvl 2 Once you merely peeked at the surface; now you dive gleefully into what makes up the world around you. With the correct ingredients, you can make glues, mild anaesthetics, bleach, fuel and other chemicals of a similar potency.

Lvl 3 Give you a Bunsen Burner, a few glass vials and a bar of soap, and two hours later you could be holding a stick of dynamite. Given sufficient time and resources, you can now create gunpowder, chloroform, preservatives, chemical poisons and more.

NOTE: All crafting elements of this Skill require a full Downtime to produce, but can be produced as a Minor or Fluff Action given you have the materials, unless you are trying to produce something incredibly specific and experimental, in which case it would require a Major Action.


Lvl 1 Nature is a gift, and it is your privilege to study its intricacies. You can identify and preserve plants and other organic matter.

Lvl 2 Nature provides more than enough for someone, like you, who knows how to make the most of its gifts. You can make natural poisons, burn relief salve and consumable hallucinogens.

Lvl 3 You have long traversed the path to the realisation that those who take care of the world will be well taken care of in kind. You can preserve up to three small or one large living plant on the go1). Furthermore, you are able to assess the condition a living creature is in (including humans) and determine the ingredients/ medication that will cure or kill them.

NOTE: All crafting elements of this Skill require a full Downtime to produce, but can be produced as a Minor or Fluff Action given you have the materials, unless you are trying to produce something incredibly specific and experimental, in which case it would require a Major Action.


Lvl 1 Energy can never be created or destroyed: you understand this statement as well as any scientist; you just happen to understand it in a slightly different light. Taking this Skill automatically gives you two crystals. You can use these to store heat and light for use later.

Lvl 2 Energy suffuses the entire world, but it clings to conscious beings like satin. You know how to read other beings' auras, allowing you to know the gist of how a PC or NPC feels without directly interacting with them.

Lvl 3 Your expertise in the mystic arts allows you to store energy for later use. You can use the crystals you have to store emotions and physical energy to be used later by a willing acceptor.

NOTE: It takes around 10 minutes of Uptime to read a PC or NPC's aura. It takes a full Downtime to 'charge' up to 3 crystals,2) but the the more crystals you charge the less potency each will have. They can be charged as a Minor Action or as part of a Major Action where you happen to be feeling a particular emotion, or are exposed to heat/light (the greater the intensity, the more the crystals will be filled). You also can go out searching for more crystals if you wish.

Small is up to a size of a shoebox, large is up to a size of a dining chair. It is possible to transport something larger with high levels of the Hoarder Skill.
When you first purchase this Skill, each of your two crystals will be half filled with your choice of heat or light.
pandemonium.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/25 16:41 by gm_nic