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Our Fallen

Grigory Osipov

Current Whereabouts: Unknown

Buried in: Unknown

Khu Varik

There is nothing but a trail of inky paw prints over the page

Current Whereabouts: Sub-liminal space

Buried in: Unknown

Tamed Orb-Orb

A great and glowing orb who passed in a trial by fire. They were a noble soldier who followed orders even to their death. They imparted much, much knowledge upon us. May they rest in peace.

Their headstone reads: Many Fucks Were Given.

Buried in: William Wraith's bathtub full of coffee grounds

Paul Pankowski

He tried tremendously in his endeavours and made an honest attempt at a PhD, though he became distracted by off-target topics. Although he is not widely known for his academic achievements, he excels in other more artistic and less vigorous forms of media. One example is music, where he plays… I do not quite remember him playing anything actually. It once roused a standing ovation amongst some refugees who were then too distracted to leave the crumbling ruins of their home. His impeccable people skills have also landed him in pretty good standing, up until his passing. Altogether, these results suggest that Paul was not only a satisfactory, but an above average person in his lifetime.

Current Whereabouts: Just… around?

Buried in: Not dead????

If you have anyone you would like to commemorate in this section please do add to the list!

OC NOTE: If you have storyteller lvl2, you may let GMs know what you would like to write and contribute to this list. If you do not have this skill, you may write something here as a fluff or minor action.

fallen.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/07 23:57 by gm_nic