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Lvl 1 Learning has always come easy to you. Using a Minor Action in Downtime, you can learn a specific task/ process if someone agrees to teach you.

Lvl 2 Your ability to take on new information faster has improved. Now, if you have been explicitly shown how to do a task/ process, you can replicate it.

Lvl 3 The student has truly become the master. Just by watching someone perform a task/ process, you can replicate it–with or without their knowledge.

NOTE: This does not allow you to gain Skills or Skill upgrades. By processes we mean a task more specific than what a Skill would allow. For example, you can learn to forge one specific stamp or a face of a statue, but you do not gain Forgery lvl 2 or 3.

Visual Thinker

Lvl 1 You find it easiest to think by visualising your thought process in your mind's eye. Whenever you come up with a plan, you are more likely to spot potential tripping points.

Lvl 2 Your heightened imagination has turned the world into a series of “what if I..?” and “how can I…?” questions. If you wish to traverse between two points that you can see, you'll be told by a GM both the safest and the quickest routes to get between them.

Lvl 3 Every item has a history, and each dent and scuffmark encodes that history in a way that you can read. If you spend time collecting clues in a room, you can mentally visualise what happened in that room over the last few hours.

NOTE: All three levels of this Skill are Downtime heavy. While lvls 2 and 3 can be used in Uptime, info gained through them may be shorter and less thorough due to GM time demands in Uptime.


Lvl 1 You've always had an affinity for machines and knick-knacks. You can perform minor repairs on existing machines and wooden structures. You can understand basic contraptions and how they work, such as steam-powered toys.

Lvl 2 Spending so long studying the inventions of others has given you a few ideas of your own. You can make your own contraptions and machines given sufficient time and resources. You can understand complex contraptions and machinery, such as engines.

Lvl 3 Fixing is good; changing is better; but upgrading is where the real fun lies. You can repair, modify and improve inorganic items and beings (with their consent) in the Library. You can understand very complex contraptions and machinery, such as advanced electronics.

NOTE: All levels of this Skill can only be performed in Downtime. Lvl 1 can be performed as a Minor Action, but both levels 2 and 3 will require a Major Action.


Lvl 1 Everyone knows if they want to find a particular item, you're the person to go to. You possess basic supplies for survival 1)and are more likely to find caches of items in unexpected places.2)

Lvl 2 You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You can acquire more specialised items on short notice, such as brushes for painting or picks for excavating.

Lvl 3 Few things exists beyond your reach, and even that list grows shorter every day. You can procure most things and can recruit a helper to gather and store you supplies.

NOTE: If you'd like these items, you can gain them within 10-20minutes in Uptime with appropriate searching. You must remain in the same room for the duration and not perform any other actions that require your attention, but you may still talk freely. You can procure multiple items at a time, but only if they remain within the size bounds listed.

Ex: Swiss army knife, rope, flashlight, rations, sleeping roll.
This Skill differs from the general Skill Hoarder in that it deals with procuring specific and high value items. Unlike Hoarder, you also do not have these items on hand.
wonder.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/07 15:12 by gm_peyton