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Personal Libraries

Dotted on this page are fanciful scribbles of different libraries throughout history, sketched in graphite and coloured pencil. Someone has added drawings of stick figures holding books or waving to another stick figure in a chair. In a child's uneven lettering are the words “MY PERSONAL LIBRARY.”

Look back on the life you've lived until now. If you've ended up here, then surely there's a library that is close to your heart. A library that is, somehow, personal.

Your Personal Library

Your Personal Library is the safe haven you return to after each of your Library expeditions. It takes the form of a small, study-like section of a library, any library. It could be the underfunded fantasy aisle of the local media centre you used to get lost in as a child, or the cluttered parchment stacks that form the makeshift library at your monastic temple. It could even be a botanical garden, or a cave covered in paintings - after all, knowledge need not always be housed indoors.

Whatever form it takes, your Personal Library will provide you with the necessary space to think back on your adventures (successful or not), journal, write letters, and perhaps even find useful resources to help you in your next mission.

The Personal Library Hub World

To encourage collaboration between The Chosen, your Personal Libraries have all been housed within a larger Personal Library Hub World. In the same way college students populate dormitories in otherwise empty hallways, The Chosen will populate Personal Libraries in an otherwise empty Hub World.

You can stay in your Personal Library, and by extension in the Library Hub World, for a maximum of seven days and for a minimum of no time at all. Indeed, some of The Chosen may opt to just briefly catch their breath before diving head-first into the next Library - an option that will become accessible to you soon after your return from your last expedition.

However, we encourage that you make the most of your time at your Personal Library and the Library Hub World. After all, it is easy to leave this place, but hard to return. So make the most of your time here. Plan, research and, with all due invitations arranged, feel free to visit each others' pockets of knowledge during your time away from the fire. You never know what you'll find when visiting a friend's library…

Personal Libraries and Gameplay

Generally, players will only be able to access their Personal Libraries in the Downtimes between Library Incarnations. When this happens, GMs will let players know, and players will have the option to spend their Downtime either in the Hub World or in the next Library Incarnation.

personallibraries.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/25 16:42 by gm_peyton