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Shihara Kame


Player: Wei J. (she/they)

About: A broke student always excusing herself as “on the way” somewhere, slipping through aisles of people and invitations, unafraid to to use umbrella handles (and points) to get there. She remembers to bring work to a spare table in her favoured teahouse, but often forgets motivation and companions, preferring to decode and resynthesises words from a dog-eared manuscript that seems to always be within reach. Yes, she is waiting for someone there. But, she's happy to entertain others - (in)sincerely - along the way.

Appearance:A vapid twenty-something. Long hair hidden clumsily (it’s spilling, is it really hidden…) under a ink-stained boater hat and scarf, which are adjusted when there is nothing else to do. This tall shape, coat trailing with the tang of excess sugar, ducks through crowds in pursuit of a cat or a snack. A crooked, disarming smile can drop charges, but it’s not her favourite option. She’s really only energetic when there’s a reward. Actually not from around these parts, but acts like it. Looks like she has things to say, but often bites it back.

[Inspiration: 1920s Japan, late Taisho era. A university city where the traditional is being mixed with the new.]


bio/shihara_kame.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 17:40 by gm_nic