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Player: Kerry (he/they)

About: Saxber grew up in the Kingdom of Kent in the Anglo-Saxon (early medieval) era. She crossed the ocean to the 'Land of Saints and Scholars' - that is, Ireland - when she was about 20 and now claims to be a widow and works as a toolmaker. Though well enough known around the village, the closest thing she has to a friend is Brother Dermody, a monk who taught her to read and suspects that she has knowledge about arcane lore.

You might well find her polite, sincere and sensible - if sometimes a little snarky. If you are a little more perceptive (or if she gets bored of you), your interpretation would progress to viewing her as a manipulative, selfish, inattentive troublemaker, concerned only for herself and her next meal.

Appearance: Saxber dresses and acts like an early medieval woman - “of course”: though she has made a career (or so she would say) out of sailing close to the wind. She is in her mid-twenties but looks old enough to pass as a young-ish widow without incurring anything worse than raised eyebrows. She spends a fair amount of time in the woods and has as much access to bathing water as any other dirt-poor medieval grifter who ranks below peasants on the social scale, so by no modern standard is she 'clean'. She wears a charm around her neck.


bio/saxber.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 17:25 by gm_nic