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Pascale Du Pont


Player: Geraint H. (he/they)


“Bonjour mon amie! Ca va? How are you? It has been so long!”

Pascale is a pleasant, if eccentric, French noblewoman who refuses to dress in any way other than the traditional French fashion of her period, meaning she is notorious for knocking books off shelves with the edge of her dress in the narrower corridors of libraries. Still, despite her apparent obliviousness and eccentricity, she is pleasant to talk to and always happy to help. Indeed, she mentions how her father was a chemist and worked in making gunpowder, so she's happy to provide any alchemical service you may need!

Appearance: Pascale is a willowy girl with pale skin and blonde hair. Her dresses are large, cinched tightly at the waist and then billowing out at the hips. Primarily she dresses in golds, silver and yellows, with a pair of silk gloves at all times. Her eyes are a disconcerting bright vibrant green, standing out against what is otherwise a soft and delicate face with red lips. Either on her person or in her hand at all times is a silk handkerchief embroidered with intricate designs, which she uses to dab her mouth. She always conceals it afterwards.


bio/pascale_du_pont.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/14 13:24 by gm_peyton