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Alexander Turgenev


Player: Ivan C. (He/him)

About: Alexander is a historian with a deep-seated appreciation for knowledge, ever glad to share and even more so to study it. Never one to be satisfied with what information is easily available, he will often go out of his way to find the bits and pieces of history that have been lost or hidden. As much as he loves history, he hates those that would seek to have it buried.

Appearance: Alexander, at the age of 36, is of average height, average weight and average build. He can often be seen strolling through the streets dressed in a plain shirt with trousers and, on colder evenings, a woollen coat and hat with earflaps. What he loses from his unremarkable appearance he more than makes up for with his wisdom.


bio/alexander_turgenev.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 17:07 by gm_nic