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Yusuf ibn Sa’id Al-Dimashqi


Player: Mark W. (he/him)

About: Referred to as Al-Dimashqi, he is a scholar from the Islamic golden age. He values knowledge above all, and distrusts those who he believes don’t value truth above all else. Often this makes him seem quite unkind, though when he’s talking about his own research or discussing ideas he is interested in it's a different story.

Appearance: Al-Dimashqi is an early middle aged man, though you might have guessed older by looking at him. He is generally unkempt and messy, with a thick beard which hasn’t been trimmed in too long, with messy hair, which is turning grey at an alarming rate. Luckily this is normally hidden behind his turban. He looks tired a lot of the time, and quite often has a serious, grumpy look on his face.


bio/al_dimashqi.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 17:23 by gm_nic