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New in Your Tomes

In the (relative) peace and quiet of your Personal Library, you check your Tomes and are met by a new message the “Tomes” section. It reads as follows:

To the Chosen,

This time, we would like to congratulate you on a job well better done. Considering the circumstances, the damage that befell this Library was minimal. As a result, we have managed to get the portal to your next Library up and running as per our normal schedule - feel free to peruse its aisles, talking to its Guests, and perhaps even find, well, us.

But of course, you may also use this time to rest and socialise in each other’s Personal Libraries (provided you are invited). There is no need to rush.

At the bottom of the page, there is a message written in a child's messy handwriting once again. This time, it reads:


The writing here is typed and takes up one of the beginning pages of your Tome. It is prefaced with: “For new Chosen, we hope this Tome alleviates some of your well-founded confusion.”

Upon arriving at the Library, you were handed a book by the The Serpent of the Pears. It was a non-descript, leather-bound volume, either black or brown. They called it your Tome. You are reading it now.

As you will realise soon enough, your Tome is a very useful tool. It enables thought and communication, storytelling and creative expression. And of course, it contains crucial information for every Chosen: Library descriptions, for example, as well as important safety information.

You are welcome to personalise your Tomes as you see fit. However, the more observant of you will notice that this personalisation can often occur of its own volition. Take it as a sign of your Tome acclimating to you, of it trying to make you feel at home (for an example of this, see Ruk's Tome).

Once your Tome is in your possession, it will be yours and yours alone. Please use its pages wisely.

Tomes and Gameplay

In game, the Tome has the following uses:

  • It is a guidebook to the Library, or an IC representation of the information available on the Wiki.
  • It is a means of communication between PCs. When in their Personal Libraries, PCs can send messages to each other by writing in their Tomes and addressing the specific PC, similarly to how one would write a letter. That message will then appear in the addressee's Tome.
  • It is a way to collect additional knowledge that is gained by interacting with plot points or through having certain Personal Libraries.
  • It is a means of taking notes or drawing diagrams as PCs explore Library Incarnations.
tomes.1637711228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/23 23:47 by gm_ainhoa