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Amenken's Tomb

The scraping of sand against stone. The sigh of an untraceable breeze. The scuttling of creatures too small and fast for your eyes to catch.

These are the only sounds that disturb the great silence that envelops this space, that has nearly swallowed it. It is heavy, dense like jelly: the silence of death. Or of secrets well kept.

Will you be the one to unearth them?

You don’t know when the stairs will end, nor who lit the torches down the corridor, nor what you just saw out of the corner of your eye. Was it a creeping spider? A masked child? Something else entirely? You look around, but all you can see are the ornately-decorated sandstone walls that accompany your descent. The scenes they depict are not just strange, but fantastical: dog-headed deities, large, graceful cats, green men sitting upon thrones. But amongst these are also humans, their faces in profile, their bodies facing you, ochre-tinted hands beckoning you further in.

Within and above the images, you can also make out text in hieroglyphics, snippets of stories: tales about traversing the underworld, chronicles of battles won, the names “Amenken”, “Beketaten”, and “Hetepheres” repeated over and over again. Could these be the people who rest here?

You want to keep reading, to learn more, but the flicker of a torch directs your eyes down the ever-descending flight of stairs - and then you see it. A room, one you can just barely make out, seemingly held aloft by pillars. Finally, the Great Hall!

You take a few more hurried steps downward, suddenly eager to get out of this hallway, to explore once more after being stuck in the dreary Hub World for weeks on end. But what was that warning that greeted you at the top of the staircase?

You shake your head. You’ve been walking so long, it feels like eons have passed since you arrived here. Determined to get out, and take one more step forward.


Did something snap?


Amenken: Inscriptions on the walls claim that he was great. Deceased.

Beketaten: She is often depicted surrounded by animals. Deceased.

Hetespheres: She looks markedly smaller than the other two. Deceased.

References Include:

The Valley of Kings

The Secrets of Saqqara Tomb (Documentary)

On the history of Egyptian tombs and the riches held within.

Indiana Jones films for ~ fun gameplay reasons ~ (even if these are not historically accurate)

the_tomb.1643053631.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/24 19:47 by gm_ainhoa