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 ===== Tomes ====== ===== Tomes ======
-====New in Your Tomes====+====One More Special Announcement====
-//In the (relative) peace and quiet of your Personal Library, you check your Tomes and are met by a new message the "Tomes" section. It reads as follows://+//A few days into your stay in the Hub World, you receive the following message. It has been written in a cursive that some of you may recognize://
-To the Chosen,+Chosen,
-This time, we would like to congratulate you on a job well better done. Considering the circumstances, the damage that befell this Library was minimal. As a result, we have managed to get the portal to your next Library up and running as per our normal schedule - feel free to peruse its aisles, talking to its Guests, and perhaps even find, well, us. +Tragedy has stricken us all.
-But of course, you may also use this time to rest and socialise in each other’s Personal Libraries (provided you are invited). There is no need to rush.+As you may have noticed, your portals are not working.
-//At the bottom of the pagethere is a message written in a child's messy handwriting once again. This timeit reads://+The Hub Worldhowevershould be stable.
-**THAT CONCERT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!**+And as for the golden pears that travelled with you, each of you may proceed to ingest one - but proceed with caution. They should be safe, as pears often are, but in the The Serpent’s maddened state… 
 +Who knows the powers they may hold? 
 +Until further notice, please stay put, and communicate as you will. 
 +- The Original Book 
 +//This time, there is no message written in a child's hand at the end of the note. Instead, you are met with a series of incomprehensible scribbles and frantic drawings. At first glance, they don't seem to depict anything in particular - just fear.//
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tomes.1637711228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/23 23:47 by gm_ainhoa