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tomes [2021/10/25 16:47]
tomes [2021/12/01 15:44] (current)
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 ===== Tomes ====== ===== Tomes ======
 +====One More Special Announcement====
 +//A few days into your stay in the Hub World, you receive the following message. It has been written in a cursive that some of you may recognize://
 +Tragedy has stricken us all.
 +As you may have noticed, your portals are not working.
 +The Hub World, however, should be stable.
 +And as for the golden pears that travelled with you, each of you may proceed to ingest one - but proceed with caution. They should be safe, as pears often are, but in the The Serpent’s maddened state…
 +Who knows the powers they may hold?
 +Until further notice, please stay put, and communicate as you will.
 +- The Original Book
 +//This time, there is no message written in a child's hand at the end of the note. Instead, you are met with a series of incomprehensible scribbles and frantic drawings. At first glance, they don't seem to depict anything in particular - just fear.//
 //The writing here is typed and takes up one of the beginning pages of your Tome. It is prefaced with: "For new Chosen, we hope this Tome alleviates some of your well-founded confusion."// //The writing here is typed and takes up one of the beginning pages of your Tome. It is prefaced with: "For new Chosen, we hope this Tome alleviates some of your well-founded confusion."//
tomes.1635180444.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/25 16:47 by gm_ainhoa