Table of Contents

Conduct and Themes Policy

Basic Information

Since One Last Fire is intended to be a suspenseful and emotionally heavy game, some unsettling themes may occur. To ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable when playing the game, the GM team have written a Conduct & Themes Policy, which is designed to inform you of acceptable conduct when playing the game, as well as potentially sensitive themes that may occur.

Our policy is based on the Oxford University Role Playing Game Society's Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy, and it is expected that all players and GMs will be familiar with this policy when playing One Last Fire. When in and out of character, all players and GMs are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner toward all other players and GMs and in accordance with the Society's Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy, as well as the University policies mentioned within it.

We ask that above all, players and GMs uphold a supportive and respectful environment where participants can feel comfortable discussing sensitive themes both in and out of character. The spirit of the policy is always more authoritative than the exact wording, and so legalistic attempts to defend breaches of acceptable behaviour will be interpreted as being in bad faith and will not be accepted.

If players ever have a concern that the CAT policy has been breached, you may reach out to any member of the One Last Fire GM team. In the event that players have a concern about a particular GM, please contact the CAMPO, Peyton at

Minimum Age

You must be 16 or over to take part in the game.

Photographs, Artwork and Fanfic

It is important to have someone's consent before writing fanfic or making artwork involving their character or NPC. If you wish to draw artwork or write fanfic about another character or an NPC, please ask the character's player or the relevant GM whether they would be alright with that, and you should give them a heads up as to the type of artwork or fanfic that you plan on creating. If they say they're not okay with it, you must respect their decision.

Given that this is a Discord game with no video element, photographs of the players will not be requested by GMs and will not be taken during sessions.

Potentially Sensitive Themes

Appendix A: Topics not permitted

The following themes will not be permitted in Official OURPGSoc Events:

Appendix B: Topics requiring careful handling

For the following themes related to discrimination:

Player characters are encouraged to come from different historically-inspired time periods and places where different types of discrimination did in fact occur. These characters may come in with their own unique prejudices.

If PCs wish to explore their prejudices in character backstories (in Uptime or Downtime) this should generally not be a part of the character's main plot line or their main character trait. PCs who intend to use conquering misconceptions and prejudices laid against them as a plot point will need to proceed with permission of those they are RPing with.

Roleplaying prejudices should not involve other people without their explicit OC consent (i.e. make an OC statement explaining what you will say or do beforehand).

Additionally, we will NOT tolerate the role-playing of slurs or other inappropriate behaviour relating to gender, sex, sexuality, gender identity, physical disability or mental health, real-world ethnicity or race, and nationality, religion or faith.

When generating a character for One Last Fire, if you have any questions or concerns about playing a character who is prejudiced or has been prejudiced against by others, please contact the GM team with your character concept. We will let you know whether it breaches anything within this policy or if we have suggestions for RPing them in a way which respects other players and player characters.

The following list contains topics that may require careful handling. GMs should make a judgment call as to whether such themes are needed to deliver a better game. Even for themes passing this criterion, GMs may wish to consider if they can be addressed “off screen” (e.g. fade to black). The following list may be added to by majority vote of the committee, and both added to and removed from during General Meetings by majority vote. If a topic from Appendix B is declared to be included in a game, this declaration must include warnings of how that topic is expected to be portrayed or manifest itself during the game.

Appendix C: Topics which should be handled sensitively

The following list contains topics that are likely to appear in many games or may arise unpredictably and therefore their inclusion does not need necessarily to be declared at the start of the game. However, these themes should still be handled sensitively, and GMs should consider whether or not an explicit note about how these topics will manifest themselves in a game is necessary.

Despite the historical setting, players will not be allowed to explore slavery or human trafficking in any way.
Even though PCs may come from time periods where eugenics, genocide or genocide denial was occurring or had recently occurred, they may not include it in their backstories.
Please see Tone and Style for the specifics of how we will handle this.
The GM team realises that removing references to slavery, human trafficking, eugenics, genocide, and genocide denial in One Last Fire may be a form of sanitising history, despite the fact that this setting is based in an alternate world with a slightly different history. However, due to the practical and technical constraints of running a Society Game, we have decided that it is better not to explore these topics at length to avoid undue distress for both players and GMs.