There is a lot of cool stuff in this Library. Say what you will about the Ancient Egyptians, but they knew how to decorate their tombs!
You spend many hours wandering the many halls of Amenken’s tomb (only getting slightly bitten by bugs this time), your eyes carefully absorbing all the information around you. You realise that you’re one of the only people for the next few thousand years who will get to see all this art in all its glory. When archaeologists finally dig this up, most of the colours will have faded, and some of the art will surely have been lost to time.
Well if you’re going to be one of the few admirers of this art, then you’re going to be a damn good admirer of it!
You find a lot of depictions of one guy who you assume must be Amenken. Roughly half of the paintings of him look slightly different though, with the same head but a different body. You wonder if these were originally paintings of Iumeri, Amenken’s brother, which were then repurposed after their falling out. Judging by the items each of the two types of Amenkens carry (swords or writing tools), it definitely seems like Amenken was the warrior while Iumeri was the scholar.
As well as Amenken, the walls depict a multitude of Egyptian deities. There’s Ra, the sun god, going on his daily journey through the underworld before being reborn the next sunrise. There’s Horus fighting his Uncle, the evil Set, who murdered his own brother, Osiris. There’s… actually you’re not quite sure what that one is. It looks like a snake coming out of a flower, surrounded by a bubble. But boy is it a cool bubble.
Oh man, you can’t wait to tell ecklebergeye1 all about this!