Table of Contents



Lvl 1 You possess a basic understanding of the art of forgery. You are better able to spot fake items and forged documents.

Lvl 2 You've practised the techniques of forgery enough to imitate simple items. You can fake documents, signatures, a page of a book or other items of a similar complexity (as approved by the GMs).

Lvl 3 Your mastery of forgery allows you to fake a sculpture, seal, stamp, tome or similarly complicated item (as deemed by the GMs).

NOTE: For both lvl 2 and 3 of this Skill, small items require up to an hour of Uptime, while large, more complex items require a full Downtime to produce.


Lvl 1 Your dabbling in divination allows you to catch glimpses of what was. Once per Uptime OR Downtime, you can see a vision of the Past related to your location or an object you hold.

Lvl 2 The range of your sight grows wider each day, as now you can see the murky haze of what is. Once per Uptime OR Downtime, you can see a snapshot of something happening in the Present in another part of the Library.

Lvl 3 You have attained the highest rank of diviner, the seer, able to shift through the ever flowing river of what could be. Once per Uptime OR Downtime, you may see three possible direct outcomes of a decision you have just made.

NOTE: Outcomes of using this Skill in Uptime may be delayed by up to 30 minutes and the information gained may not be as complete or thorough as if the same action was taken in Downtime. This is due to GM time constraints in Uptime. You may use this Skill as part of a Major Action or as a Minor Action.

Art Historian

Lvl 1 You have been taught the steps necessary for the upkeep of artefacts. You can preserve dead organic matter and aging books and art, ensuring they are less likely to be damaged.

Lvl 2 Your skills as a preserver have broadened to include restoration. You can restore books and art with minor damage to their original quality, potentially revealing lost information.

Lvl 3 The loss of knowledge to the wearing of time is a tragedy, but with your skill, nothing need be lost. You can fully recreate books and art to their former glory, provided at least a piece of the original remains.

NOTE: All levels of this Skill need at least one Downtime to take effect. However, in Uptime you can perform minor procedures on things you wish to preserve to stop them degrading completely in the moment.


Lvl 1 You have a grasp of how to leave hidden markings. You can produce hidden signposts and subtle markers to identify objects and paths to people in the Library, provided you have already informed them of your code.

Lvl 2 Those that know how to encode information naturally know how to decode it. You can identify and decode cyphers, obscure pictures, lost languages and secret codes.

Lvl 3 No code is unbreakable, but you reckon you've gotten pretty close. You can produce writings, diagrams and drawings that can convey complex information only to a person you designate.

NOTE: Lvl 3 of this Skill can be produced from approx. 10 minutes in Uptime to a full Downtime depending on the size and complexity of the code/diagram/drawing you wish to produce.