====== Sample Turnsheet ====== =====Major Action===== **Aim** Explore the Deserted Wing for plants that could potentially be used to make acid. **Description** * Explore the Deserted Wing with Alice. I am looking for plants that I could later use to make acid. * The acid will be used to corrode the iron lock on one of the doors on the Northeast side of the Library. Though I won't get there this Downtime, I'd like to be able to make the acid. I will hide the recipe from Alice just in case. * Alice told me she'd be going with me to find some old tomes from previous Chosen Ones there, but she seems suspicious. Use my Enhanced senses to tell if she's going to stab me in the back during our journey. **Relevant Skills and Quirks** * **Botanist lvl 2** - To find the plant and make acid. * **Prophetic Dreams (+)** - Maybe it could happen in the Deserted Wing? * **Enhanced Senses lvl 3** - Antennae of a moth, to tell if Alice is raising a hand behind me. * **Problem with Authority (-)** - Alice is going to convince some of the Eternal Employees guarding the deserted wing to let us pass, I might make things more difficult if I don't keep my mouth shut. **Items used** * My walking stick from Keepsake (+) Quirk - to poke the ground in front of me in the Deserted Wing, to make sure I don't fall into any potholes. **Other PCs/NPCs involved** * Alice Ragoon * A few Eternal Employees guarding the Deserted Wing * The Overdue Book List: I was told last session that it was spotted in this Wing. I will try to avoid it if possible =====Fluff Action===== **Aim** To cater the Library social in the Heart, using one of the central tables as a bar to make drinks. **Description** Make friends with some others of the Chosen and get to know them better. **Relevant Skills and Quirks** * **Chemist lvl 1** - This allows me to make drinks for the others. **Items used** * My mixology set Holman gave to me last session (see my user page). **Other PCs/NPCs involved** * Everyone at the Library social * The Serpent of the Pears, who said they'd come along =====Minor Actions===== * Give Holman my map as payment for the mixology set they gave me last session * Keep my large kentia palm tree alive on the go using my Botanist lvl 3 Skill * Water my other plants * Read the message Wilcon's toad sent me =====What are you taking with you to the next Library?===== * Mixology set * (Unused small item slot) * My large kentia palm tree (Hoarder lvl 2 allows me to carry this, Botanist lvl 3 helps me keep it alive) =====Skill Advancement===== SP at the start of Downtime: 0 New skill: Chemist lvl 2 SP remaining at the end of Downtime: 1