====== Creating a Character ====== Character Creation in //One Last Fire// consists of the following components, each of which are detailed further down the page. To submit a character, please read through this page and the **Mechanics** section of the wiki and send us your character through [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdha2-qDhG3w-Vm4Rh68X3yEkHLQH1RRNA6ZTMwLWY6D-qVZw/viewform?usp=sf_link|this Google form]]. If you are unsure how to write some sections, you may check out our [[samplecharacter|Sample Characters]] as a helpful reference! ---- **IC name(s) and pronouns:** Select a full name for your character and indicate how they prefer to be called. Please also tell us your character's pronouns. You can choose any name you please for your character and it can follow any real world naming convention (i.e. multiple surnames, middle names, surname first and given name second etc). In practice, your IC email address will be based on your character's original name (e.g. **kim_jihoon@onelastfire.oxfordrpg.com**), while your Discord nickname will reflect your full or preferred name if you have one. **[[tomes|Tome]]:** Every PC is presented a Tome upon arriving to the Library. Please describe what your tome looks, feels and/or smells like. **[[personallibraries|Personal Library]]:** Each character comes from a different time period (unless you have selected the [[quirks#relationship (+ or - or BOTH)|Relationship Quirk]], in which case you share a time period with one other character). In this time period is a 'Personal Library' which your character has a connection to. Please let us know what your Personal Library looks like and how your character is connected to it: * What is its aesthetic both inside and out? We encourage you to draw from different historical periods and locations for inspiration. * What is your favourite part of the Library? * If the Library was burning, what would you take with you? * How are you connected to it? (i.e. a cherished memory, childhood experience, special event or person)? //Note: You can have a professional connection to your Personal Library but this is not required and we suggest thinking of other ways a Library can have a unique place in someone's heart and mind.// **[[qualities|Quality]]:** Please select **ONE** Quality. When choosing one of the Qualities, please tell us the following about your character: * //World view:// How does your character see the world? In black and white or in shades of grey? * //Emotional anchor:// Who does your character care for most in the world? (i.e. family, friends, significant others) * //Motivation:// What motivates your character to continue on even when all seems lost? * //Core values:// What value(s) do they hold dear and will not compromise on? //You may also describe how you 'fell' into the Library, stating what type of reflective surface you fell through and so on.// **[[skilltree|Skills]]:** You have **5 Skill Points** at game start which you can distribute between your Quality Skills or General Skills. This means you may purchase either **five Skills at lvl 1**, or **two Skills at lvl 1 and one Skill at lvl 2**. For character advancement, you will receive 3 additional Skill Points per Library Incarnation. **[[quirks|Quirks]]:** You can take a maximum of 7 Quirks that must equal to +1, 0, -1 or -2. Please see the Quirks page for a detailed list. **Private Bio:** A bio of your character visible only to you and the GMs. Please do not exceed one page. **Public Bio:** A bio that will be published on the Characters page on this Wiki, visible to all players. This should be just a paragraph or two. ***Appearance:** In the public bio, please provide a description of what your character looks like. This may include not just their general physical appearance, but what clothes and accessories they wear, how they move, any gestures they tend to make, and/or their typical facial expressions. //You may also indicate the historical time period and place which inspires your character's appearance, personality, and motivations.//